Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 43 und 44

AH I screwed up again :P

I have an excuse...the semester just started back up and I am having trouble balancing all the things I need to do.
Anyway I have a horrifying assignment in my drawing class. To draw 100 things. Drawing isn't one of my strongest skills and honestly this project is soooo horribly boring :/

But I have to get it done in a few days so it's all the art I can bring myself to work on lately so I'm showing it all to you.

It isn't my best work or anywhere near it :P It has to fit a theme, I chose things in the window sills around my house. hah And there are flowers and things related to flowers!


  1. *grin* i totally know what you mean by horrifying. and *sigh* it's still horrifyingly good practice. keep it up!
